Pieces @ Home - Brooke Wise
What makes you feel at home in your own space?
Being surrounded by my little objects, things, nik-naks and memories makes me feel at home in my own space. I have certain objects that have followed me from apartment to apartment for the past 10 years and i can remember all of their previous places and arrangements accordingly. Something as simple as little objects help transform any space or apartment into the feeling of home.
What does home mean to you?
Home to me means safety. Emotional safety, physical safety, all of it. Feeling calm and comfortable in a space that's an extension of myself.
Is there a particular piece in your space that is most special to you?
There are many special pieces in my space, but some that stand out to me are my artworks that are made by friends, my books on art history that I still have from college and a lamp that my ex’s mother gave me for Christmakkauh one year.

In terms of designing your space, what was your approach?
When I moved back to New York from my LA home, I had to scale everything down to fit into a Brooklyn apartment. This was both difficult and fun, in a challenge-accepted sort of way. It’s been fun to see what I can arrange and make work in a smaller space, so a lot of things in my home have both function and form and are usually modular or able to be used in at least 2 ways.
Biggest indulgence that brings you joy in your home?
My Hem chair. She’s so big and was such a hassle to bring from LA but I refuse to not have her in any space I move to. A big off white chair is nerve wracking when people are over but I protect her at all costs.
Is there an element of color in your apartment that makes you most happy and why?
A lot of my pieces are neutrals, and most of the color comes from the art on the walls. I go in and out of what color is my favorite or what color irritates me, so I try not to have furniture or objects I can easily get tired of.

Era of design that most speaks to you?
Mid century modern for sure, and design that came out of the Bauhaus school. I love primary colors, wood, chrome and black leather for this reason.
Designer, artist, person who most influences your home style?
I don’t think there is anyone person who has most influenced my home- maybe my mother. I love certain designers like Marcel Breuer, Florence Knoll and Noguchi of course for this reason, I grew up with design like that in my home in Montreal, but I also love finding random stuff that speaks to me via Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.
How do you see Pieces fitting into your space and blending with your style?
What I love the most about Pieces is how artful and sculptural the designs are. I grew up with interesting rugs that demanded attention via my mom’s thoughtful and eclectic design of our home, so that stayed with me when designing my place as an adult.